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Факт о медицине:

A few words about standards. The browser passes the ACID2 test completely, which, however, is not new for browsers based on the WebKit engine, which is famous for its good support for new standards. At the time of testing, the ACID 3 test site was unavailable, apparently everyone decided to check it out, but those who succeeded report incomplete support - 76 points out of 100. Note that only the latest builds of the engine have full support for CSS 3 , however, these builds have problems with performance, and are not recommended for serious use. Features of HTML 5 also not supported yet, but announced in a future release, so don't take that as a verdict. Moreover, some of its most requested innovations (for example, built-in data storage) are already supported in Gears. As for regular HTML/XHTML, everything is fine here, and if the site works correctly under Safari, then Chrome will process it correctly. A significant disadvantage is the lack of XML support, in particular, RSS is not recognized in any way and is displayed as plain text, in addition, email links are not recognized, PDF files cannot be opened simply in a browser window, however, this is not the worst thing. Now there are still some difficulties with cookie processing and the lack of auto-completion of forms, authorization data is not always remembered,WebMoney Lite ), a poor built-in spell checker, but you can't demand everything at once about the first public version.

Медицинские новости:

Google Chrome braucht keine Einführung. In 12 Jahren Entwicklung hat er sich nicht nur das Vertrauen des Netzwerkpublikums verdient und wurde zum beliebtesten Browser der Welt, sondern schaffte es auch, neue Maßstäbe für Qualität, Leistung, Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit in seinem Segment zu setzen. Es ist nicht verwunderlich, dass der Webbrowser die Aufmerksamkeit von Millionen von Benutzern auf sich zieht, die sich oft nicht bewusst sind, dass viele nützliche Funktionen darin vorhanden sind. Die heutige Veröffentlichung widmet sich einem kurzen Rückblick auf Letzteres.

О нас

Наша компания занимается поставками медицинского оборудования в Украине с 1997 года. За время своего существования предприятие значительно расширилось и продолжает динамично развиваться. Основной нашей деятельностью является поставка медицинского и лабораторного оборудования в медицинские учреждения Украины.
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